What is Avemide?

What is Avemide?

Written by Dr. Joshua Townley, BForensSc, PhD.

woman moisturising face

These days, sensitive skin is more common than ever. Around 60-70% of women and 50-60% of men report experiencing sensitive skin1, with symptoms including tingling, itching, tightness in the skin, stinging and burning1. As such, more and more people are looking for products or ingredients that are specifically formulated to help manage sensitive skin.

One such ingredient is Avemide 15ᵀᴹ , which is a great addition to any sensitive skin care routine.


What is Avemide 15ᵀᴹ?

Avemide 15ᵀᴹ contains a purified, standardised mixture of 18 key components, called avenanthramides, which are extracted from colloidal oatmeal, as well as a patented mix of flavonoids that impart a range of skin benefits3. Oatmeal (avena sativa) has been used for centuries because of its soothing and skin-conditioning properties2 and even today, it’s found in everything from baby products to shaving cream.

An unrefined natural extract of oatmeal can be impacted by factors like environmental and growing conditions of the oat crop as well as storage and transport time, leading to variation and uncertainty in the ingredient levels. However, by using a standardised extract, like Avemide15ᵀᴹ, it’s possible to ensure the ratio of key ingredients is always the same.

Avemide 15ᵀᴹ contains a purified, standardised mixture of 18 key components, called avenanthramides, which are extracted from colloidal oatmeal, as well as a patented mix of flavonoids that impart a range of skin benefits.

Dr. Joshua Townley


Skin Benefits of Avemide 15ᵀᴹ

Aside from soothing the skin, colloidal oatmeal, and avenanthremide in particular, also helps relieve dryness associated with dry skin conditions4. In addition, Avemide 15ᵀᴹ has anti-irritant and anti-oxidant properties3

If you’re struggling to find products that are compatible with your sensitive skin, look for something with Avemide 15ᵀᴹ on the front of the pack.

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